Experience the Magic: Your Ultimate Guide to Visiting the Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Hollywood, California

The Harry Potter novels mean more to me than I can properly express in words. As a kid who felt very different, these books brought me so much solace, comfort and companionship. When I heard they were building a theme park of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter I remember being so excited! But as life moved on and I grew up, finding the time to visit the park kept slipping by. Finally, on our last trip to California, in collaboration with Musement, I had the opportunity to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood! With my passes in hand, I felt Harry Potter being given his ticket onto the Hogwarts Express, bound for Hogsmeade!

After securing our tickets I immediately went online to research what to see and do in the park. I was sad to see that there wasn’t a ton of information out there for the Los Angeles Wizarding World. Everything seemed to focus on the Orlando parks. But that just meant I had my work cut out for me! My mission was to come back with a complete guide for Potter-heads, just like me. In the hopes that your first trip to Hogsmeade is as magical as you imagined it to be.

Ticket Prices

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood is where muggles can get a chance to visit the streets of Hogsmeade! Many people seem to overlook going to Universal Studios Hollywood over Orlando. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando has two different Harry Potter areas (both Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley) whereas Universal Studios in Hollywood only has Hogsmeade.

While there only might be one Harry Potter area to visit the price of admission in California is much cheaper than in Orlando. A two-day park pass in California will only cost you $109 USD. Whereas in Orlando a one-day park-hopper (which will allow you to see both Hogsmead and Diagon Alley) will run you $174 USD. So if you’re looking for value for money then Universal Studios Hollywood is the place for you! I also found that by only having one park to visit, rather than two, you can really dedicate more time to exploring the world properly. Rather than rushing through, trying to see everything in too short of a time.

Expert Tips for Exploring the Park

Buy Tickets in Advance

The best way to have as close to perfect a day as possible is to buy your tickets in advance. Doing this means you won’t need to worry about anything upon arriving at the park and can simply head right inside!

Arrive Early

Also, be sure to arrive early! Early in the morning is when you’ll have the best chance of seeing the streets of Hogsmeade without throngs of people. Plus, early in the morning is the best time to ride Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey with the shortest wait time. I would advise lining up about 30-45 minutes before the park opens. Sure this means getting up at the crack of dawn but trust me, the early bird really does catch the worm!

Download the Universal Studios app

On the Universal Studios app you have a handy dandy map that will help you find your way around the park. You can also check wait times and see when different shows are happening. The paper map makes for a great souvenir but there is nothing like the app’s convenience. If you aren’t travelling with a data roaming package, download the app before leaving your hotel. Then you can use the park’s wifi to navigate inside the app.

How to Get there

The traffic in L.A. is just as bad as its reputation. Study the options below to find the right plan for your arrival at Universal Studios Hollywood.

Downtown LA Metro

If you don’t already know, LA has its own metro system which actually runs right up to Universal City Walk. Just get off at North Hollywood Station. From there it’s about a 15-minute walk to the gates of Universal. So if you’re staying somewhere on or near the Metro line this is a great option for you. And with rides costing just $1.75 per trip, you can’t beat the price!


Another great option is to take an Uber or rideshare. Uber will take you to one of the two the rideshare drop off areas near Universal. There is one right near the entrance to the park and one inside Universal City Walk. If you want to grab a coffee and doughnut to enjoy while you wait in line, the rideshare drop off at Universal City walk is right near Voodoo Doughnuts! Personally, this is what I would choose, those doughnuts are outta this world. From there you can easily walk over to the entrance of the park, about a 5-minute walk. Ubers are fairly affordable but obviously that depends on where you’re coming from. Leaving and returning outside of rush hours will help keep those costs down. You can always check the fare calculator to give you a better idea of the exact cost.

Shuttle Bus

Many of the hotels downtown and around L.A. have shuttle services that run to Universal Studios. Check with the front desk to see if this is available at your hotel. Pick up a copy or note down their timetables for your return journey. The shuttle service is often free with your hotel stay so definitely worth looking into.


If you rented or have your own car you can park at the Universal Studios parking lot. Parking is by far the most expensive option so be sure to weigh all your choices. Parking rates are as follows:

General Parking $25 before 6pm – $10 after 6pm
Preferred Parking $40 before 6pm – $20 after 6pm
Front Gate Parking  $60 before 6pm – $30 after 6pm
Valet Parking $25 first 2 hours – $45 after 2 hours

Arriving at the Park

If you get there early enough, you’ll be let into the park’s upper lot before the official opening. From there you’ll be held in a small group in front of the Universal Studios box office building. When it nears official opening time, you listen to this cute recording which begins to play all around you. It sounds like a movie studio getting ready to start filming, lights turning on, extra getting into place and more. Upon hearing “action!” you are all allowed to enter the park. It was a really sweet touch I didn’t expect.

When they finally let you in, start walking straight and veer towards the right to find your way to Hogsmeade! You can even see the Hogwarts castle on your right above the other buildings. The journey to the Wizarding World from the entrance is a fairly short one and within moments you’ll be face to face with the gates of Hogsmeade. You’ll pass under a large archway with a hanging sign which pronounces “Please respect the Spell Limits”.

Arriving in Hogsmead

If you’re anything like me, you’ll need a minute to compose yourself. Laying your eyes on Hogsmeade for the first time is really a huge moment for any fan. In the book, Hogsmeade is described as follows,

Hogsmeade looked like a Christmas card; the little thatched cottages and shops were all covered in a layer of crisp snow; there were holly wreaths on the doors and strings of enchanted candles hanging in the trees.

The thin, snow-covered roofs are so tightly packed together, almost like they are huddling together for warmth. Chimneys lean to one side, almost falling over from old age. If you listening closely, beyond the murmur and footsteps of other muggles, you might be able to head the sound of a steam engine…

Hogwarts Express

Just beyond the gates to your right is the Hogwarts Express in all its glory! The ramp on the left side of the train is covered in wizarding luggage waiting to be piled onto the train. In front of the engine is the conductor himself greeting visitors to Hogsmeade! While you can’t get into the train itself, you can get a great snapshot with the friendly conductor.

I was amazed by the fact he, and all the other “wizards” in the park, really play the part! They each have a Wizarding name and stay in character the entire time. The conductor and I had a lovely chat. He asked if it was my first time in Hogsmeade, inquired what house I was in and, when he saw my Prefect badge, what I had done to be good enough to be a Prefect! It was such an adorable little interaction. Don’t miss out on your chance to meet the conductor! I felt like this was something people just skipped past and it’s definitely worth your time.

Hogwarts Castle

If you’ve arrived early in the morning, you’ll want to next head directly to Hogwarts Castle. This is where you can ride Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. Walking up to the castle for the first time I had my breath taken away. The forced perspective the architects of the park used to create the castle make it seem enormous! I tried to see if I could spot any students peeking their heads out the window. The grandeur of the castle is a spectacle all to itself. Every detail from the books and movies were taken into consideration. It looked just like what I had imagined in my head! You really do feel like your standing at the gates of Hogwarts.

On either side of the gates which serve as the entry to the Forbidden Journey ride, you’ll see two winged hogs. These are meant to embody the old saying, “when pigs fly,” representing the fact that Hogwarts is a place where the impossible is made possible!

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey is one of the best rides in the park but not for the faint of heart. Personally, the ride seemed a little too intense for me but my husband LOVED it and couldn’t stop raving about all the different effects! But, even non-riders can experience the wonderfully immersive queue without having to get on the ride at the end.

There are three options for queues (lines) for the Forbidden Journey. You’ll see wait times posted for the ride on the sign at the entrance or on the app. The first is the regular line, the second is for single riders and the third is the Express Pass (which requires additional admission).

Unless you MUST ride with your group members, I would recommend getting in the single rider line. It’s much faster and once you’re on the ride it’s so dark and fast-paced you won’t be able to see each other anyways.

Rules & Lockers

You must be at least 48 inches tall to ride the Forbidden Journey. Be warned that if you have a bag you must either leave it with another group member who isn’t going on the ride or put it in a locker. These lockers can be found directly to your right as you enter Hogwarts castle. Once you find an empty locker, follow the directions on the screen. You’ll scan your fingerprint to lock your items inside and use this same finger to unlock it. This process can be a bit lengthy depending on crowd levels so be sure to consider leaving your bag with a friend if they’re not going on the ride as that will be much faster.  


Even if you don’t want to ride the Forbidden Journey, I would implore you to walk through the ride queue! The line is designed to entertain visitors as they wait. Every inch of it is decorated with elements from the film and the books. Before entering the castle you’ll walk through a little version of the “forbidden forest”. Hiding within the trees is the iconic Flying Ford Anglia, still crashed amongst the rocks.

The Hogwarts Dungeons

The first part of the indoor queue you’ll walk through is the dungeons. Here you’ll find great Mirror of Erisded! Next, you’ll walk through the greenhouses of the Herbology department. The colouring of the decor in here felt like it was plucked right from the films. I swear I could even smell the dirt and plants growing throughout. 

Next, you’ll pass through the hallways of the castle. You’ll see the Hogwarts House Cup counters, Dumbledore’s golden Phoenix statue guarding his office, stained glass windows featuring mythical creatures, statues of great wizards and more!

One of my favourite rooms had to be the hallways of talking portraits. The people inside the portraits move and talk to one and another just like in the books. They were so entertaining and despite the fact that the line was moving so fast, I opted to stay here and listen to the chatter for a few more minutes.

Hogwarts Classrooms

You’ll turn a corner and come upon the Dark Arts classroom. On the teacher’s pulpit, there is a projection of Harry, Ron and Hermione from the film interacting with the objects in the room. This classroom was such an iconic spot for the trio so it was so neat to see it in person.

The next room you’ll approach is Dumbledore’s great office. Above his desk is another projection of Dumbledore from the film. Take a minute to look into all the different cabinets along the wall. Inside are various treasures, many of which are famous objects from the books. Be sure to find the Pensieve in the room before you leave, it was the most intricate prop and so cool to study up close and personal.

Just before entering the ride itself, you’ll find the sorting hat. It spouts off projections about future first years and banters with riders as they approach the candlelit ride. The queue is so immersive that even a long wait here is so entertaining. It really makes the time fly by.

The Ride

The ride itself features 4 side-by-side seats with harnesses that fix your body in place. You are made to feel like you’re riding a broomstick through the castle. You’ll fly across the Quidditch field and over the Whomping Willow. You’ll see Aragog and even the Basilisk. But the scariest part is when you have a ghastly encounter with an animatronic Dementor! Since the Dementors are real, and not 4k projections, they feel even more intense as they come towards you! The ride finishes with Harry in the Gryffindor common room hoisted high on the arms of his fellow students. It’s the closest thing any muggle will ever have to riding a broom throughout the Wizarding world.

Filch’s Emporium of Confiscated Goods

As you leave the ride, you’ll pass through Filch’s Emporium of Confiscated Goods shop. Inside this shop, you’ll find lots of “confiscated items”. These include; the Marauder’s Map, replicas of Death Eater masks, the time turner necklace and more. If you’re a collector, this is one of the best shops to buy your very own replica props. They even sell copies of the Harry Potter books here, as these are still on the list of banned books in various countries around the world and would, therefore, be “confiscated” items.

On top of the various display cases are replica props from the books and films. There are even boxes around the upper selves labelled with names of various students on them. These are thought to possess various items Filch had confiscated from them over the years. All the wizard employees in the shop are here serving their “detention”. Go up to any of the employees in the shop and ask them what they did to deserve “detention”. Each one has a funny little story of what they did. It’s a cute little easter egg and I loved hearing the different stories of devious things they did.

Three Broomsticks

If you’re a Harry Potter nerd like me, you’ll be over the moon to dine inside the Three Broomsticks. This pub features heavily in the books and isn’t to be missed. The best way to get a table at the Three Broomsticks is to eat early or late. 12 pm and 6 pm are the busiest times since they are the typical lunch and dinner hours for visitors. We opted to eat early (around 11 am) to give ourselves the afternoon to explore shops and go on other rides. Just outside the Three Broomsticks be sure to take a look at the wanted poster posted out front. The animated projection of Sirius Black is just like the wanted posters from the movies and adds to the realism that the park aims to create.

It’s interesting to note that the Three Broomsticks pub featured in the film Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was modeled after the one in the theme park! And not vice versa. Stuart Craig, who was the production designer for the Harry Potter movies also worked for Universal Creative. He designed the theme parks and loved his design for the Three Broomsticks so much he used it in the movies. There are so many details I loved inside the restaurant which made you feel like you’re in another world. Everything from the ancient paintings on the wall, mounts of magical creatures, broomstick parking, to the ancient storage boxes piled high on the second floor made you feel like you were really in Hogsmeade.

The Food

To order your food, line up at the kiosks just inside the entrance. Once you’ve placed your order, you’ll grab your food from the counter to your left. Just wait for your name and number to be called. With your tray in hand, head over to the line to be seated. When we visited, we were there early enough that it was so empty we could just seat ourselves wherever we wanted! See, it pays to eat during off-hours. As the day wore on, you had to wait in line to be seated and therefore didn’t get to choose where you ate.

The food at the Three Broomsticks was incredible! Theme park food I think is getting better and better and we loved every bit of our meal. Most of the food is traditional British cusine with things like roast chicken, fish n’ chips, cornish pasties and more. You can also order desserts like trifle, butterbeer ice cream, butterbeer potted cream and apple pie. I highly recommend the butterbeer potted cream!


If you haven’t tried a butterbeer yet than this is a great opportunity to get one! Dining inside the Three Broomsticks doesn’t have to consist of an entire meal. So if you’re looking to enjoy the atmosphere but don’t wanna spend a lot of money, ordering a drink is a great alternative. There are three versions of butterbeer you can order here; classic Butterbeer, frozen Butterbeer and hot Butterbeer.

We ordered the classic Butterbeer as it felt most authentic to the experience. How can I describe butterbeer for you if you’ve never had it before? The original is very sweet, like butterscotch, with a hint of cream soda flavoured fizz. On top, the “foam” is made from a froth that tastes like melted marshmallows. I think the foam was my favourite part! The drink is VERY sweet so I don’t think everyone needs their own. One or two are enough to share with the whole family. Then get some Gillywater to wash the rest down.

Hot Butterbeer

Later in the day I wanted to try the hot version. It was such a chilly day, and I needed something to warm up with. And this was honestly the PERFECT thing for it! The hot butterbeer I preferred over the cold. It was similar to a butterscotch latte and I felt like the sweetness worked better in the hot version, than in the cold.

Hog’s Head Pub

If you’re looking to order a real beer than you’ve come to the right place. The Hog’s Head Pub from the books is owned and operated by Aberforth Dumbledore, the younger brother of Albus Dumbledore. At this counter-service bar you can order a variety of the locally brewed beers. Try the Hog’s Head Brew red ale, a Dragon’s Scale lager, or the Wizard’s Brew porter. These come either in a plastic cup or souvenir stein.

In addition to beers, you can also order wine by the glass, fruit cider or fire whisky (another famous drink mentioned in the books). Obviously you must be over 21 to order any alcohol here as that is the legal drinking age in America.

Ollivanders Wand Shop

Next up, check the wait times for Ollivanders Wand Shop. Usually, by mid-afternoon (especially during lunch hour) the line isn’t too long. Don’t get in line unless the wait times are about 15 minutes or less. Even when it says “15 minutes” the wait is usually much longer. Throughout the day you’ll always be able to find a time to get in here relatively quickly so there’s no need to wait over half an hour. The line is outside so if you want to enjoy a Butterbeer while you wait this is a great opportunity to do so. Even if you don’t plan on purchasing a wand, this little interactive show is well worth experiencing.

In the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Ollivanders is the wand shop everyone goes to get their first wand. It’s been owned by the same family of wandmakers since 382 B.C.! When you enter inside you can feel the “age” of the building. Dusty wand boxes are stacked right up to the ceiling. They seem to lean and sway with the sagging of the walls. 

The Ollivanders Experience

An Ollivanders wand shop employee greets you in the first room. There, he explains the rules of the shop and ushers you in through a secret door. This is the private wand fitting room. You’ll be greeted by another clerk who will select one lucky person from the group to have their wand fitted.

This is a wonderful interactive experience and the actor we had playing the wand clerk was incredible and full of whimsy! Although I was disappointed not to be chosen, I loved seeing the look on the kid’s face who got picked. He got to try out various wands to see which wand was fit for him! He cast spells throughout the room and those “magical” interactive elements really made you feel that at any moment you could cast a spell yourself.

Buying a Wand

After the show is over, you are sent through another secret doorway into the main shop. This area sells wands for everyone to buy. There are replica wands of pretty much every character from the films. The replica wands were gorgeous and I couldn’t believe how many characters’ they had. I expected just the most important ten characters or so would be featured but they had everyone! I found Lavender Brown, Dean Thomas, various Death Eater wands and even Nicolas Flamel! My heart had been set on buying Luna Lovegood‘s wand (she’s my favourite character) but I was intrigued by the personality-based “unclaimed” wands…

Unclaimed Wands

These “unclaimed” wand designs are uniquely suited to your personality and your birthday. This is based on the fact that J.K. Rowling found out that her choice of holly for Harry’s wand coincidentally corresponded with his birthday on the Celtic tree calendar. The Celtic Tree Calendar has thirteen lunar divisions, each one of which has a corresponding tree. If you want to learn more about this I found it really fascinating. It’s like finding a wand based on your celtic zodiac sign.

Wand Evaluation

When I got there I saw another girl talking to one of the employees who offered to give her a custom wand “evaluation“. The wand clerk will ask you a bunch of questions; your birth date, your name and then a lot of other personality qualifiers. From there they will present one or two wands to you which reflect what they learned from your evaluation. When they present the wand, they go over all its properties and what kind of person would suit the wand. It was like listening to a bedtime story, there were so many interesting aspects to each one.

The wand she picked for me represented me perfectly! It was a long, Rowan wand, with a skull carved into the hilt. Although it might seem macabre, the skull in the wizarding world doesn’t always reflect evil or death. But rather refers to wizards who live well and fully. No dark witch or wizard has ever owned a rowan wand. I won’t spoil any more of their descriptions since I think getting this special wand analysis is so fun to do! Even if you don’t buy the wand in the end (they don’t mind), you should give it a try. Just ask any of the employees on the shop floor.

Interactive Wands

Whichever wand you purchase, there are two types, identified by the labels on the wand boxes. The wands with a gold label are the interactive wands that you can use through the Wizarding World. The wands with the matte labels are just ornamental. The interactive wands can be used in all Wizarding World parks to cast spells. These “spells” can be cast at different locations inside the Wizarding World. Inside your wand box, there is a map to all the interactive destinations. They also provide instructions on how to perform each spell. I got an interactive wand and loved preforming the spells in the park. It definitely makes you feel like a real wizard. But even just the ornamental wands themselves make you feel like you’ve been to Hogwarts and back. They look gorgeous to display in your home and a fun prop to use throughout your visit to Hogsmeade.


Ollivanders doesn’t have an apparent entrance door into the shop. But if you don’t want to wait in line for the Ollinvanders Experience to shop for your wand, you can enter Ollivanders through a back door inside Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment. There is also a wand cart outside Hogwarts castle if Ollivanders is too busy and you really want to buy your wand ASAP. The wand cart is generally fairly empty and has a multitude of wands to choose from. But the experience inside Ollivanders is much more authentic.

Flight of the Hippogriff

If the wait time is less than 20 minutes, head on over to Flight of the Hippogriff. You need to be 39 inches or taller to ride this ride. It’s a short, family coaster that takes you on a journey around Hagrid’s hut. While in line, you’ll get to see Sirius Black’s motorcycle, Buckbeak and if you listen closely you might even be able to hear Fang bark! Don’t expect too much from the ride but if the queue is short its a fun way to see Hogsmeade from above, at the top of the coaster.


The afternoon is a great time to spend exploring the shops. The crush and excitement of the morning shoppers will have died down slightly. Many people are also off riding rides throughout the rest of the park. Below are some of the must-visit places in Hogsmead.

I find it best to start on at Hogsmeade Station, making your way up towards the castle and finishing at Honeydukes. The most affordable and delicious treats are available at Honeydukes. This is where you might do the most shopping so it’s best to do it last. That way you won’t need to lug a heavy bag around the rest of the day and your treats won’t melt!

Hogsmeade Station

Hogsmeade station is a small shop made to look like an old fashioned train ticket booth. Inside you’ll find various apparel and souvenirs with Platform 9 ¾ on it, hidden among piles of old fashioned luggage. If you’re a train buff this is the place for you. You can find train tickets, model trains, conductor hats, images of the Hogwarts express printed on t-shirts and more!

The Back Alley

Continue along the south side of Hogsmeade and take a short little detour behind the first row of shops. This little alleyway features a few different shop front and windows which display various magical items. Although you can’t enter these shops there are some fantastic photo opportunities back here. This place is tucked away from the crowds and there are some interactive wand spots here too.

Brews and Stews is one of my favourite windows to peek into. The shop is a combination hostel for travelling wizards and seafood restaurants. Another food-related shop on this street is the Magical Neep shop. The Magic Neep is a magical greengrocer selling neep or “turnips” which are used in many different spells.

Magic Neep Cart

Right beside the Magic Neep shop, you’ll find a large, bright green cart called the Magic Neep Cart. This cart sells everything from fresh fruits, to pretzels as well as different drinks like Butterbeer, Pumpkin Juice, and Gilly Water. The Pumpkin juice is served in one of the most charming bottles and I think is even more delicious than butterbeer. Hot take! Gilly water is just plain water but branded in Harry Potter-themed bottles. A great little place to grab a snack if you’re getting hungry.

Dervish & Banges

From the back alley, there is a side door which leads you into Dervish & Banges. Dervish & Banges is a shop that features a little more prominently in the books and is known to sell “magical instruments and stuff,” according to Ron Weasley. Inside Dervish & Banges you can find various house themed items and apparel. The shop is gorgeously designed. They really wanted it to feel like an old, clothing store. Antique boxes and piles of merchandise are stacked up on the second floor. Different parts of the shop move like by magic. There are flying broomsticks bobbing up and down above your head as well as the cage which holds the ‘The Monster Book of Monsters”. Be careful, it will snap at any little children who dare to put their fingers inside the cage!

This is a great place to find your own pair of Luna Lovegood’s ‘Spectrespecs‘ or buy a plush version of the monster book.

Quidditch equipment

Dervish & Banges also sell all sorts of Quidditch equipement, from customizable Quidditch team shirts to replicas of the Quaffles and Golden Snitches. you can even find the Nimbus 2001 and the Firebolt brooms.

Owl Post

Connected to Dervish & Banges, make your way up to the Owl Post Shop. All along the timber tall walls are animatronic owls who move and howl at customers as they come inside. Brown paper parcels are stacked to the ceiling awaiting their recipients. If you purchase anything from this shop you can even pay to have it wrapped in the very same iconic brown paper wrapping.

Inside a little window hidden in the shop is 3D projection of howler which screeches at passersby. The shop even has its own real post office where you can send mail from Hogsmeade! If you buy a card to mail from here it will bear the postmark of Hogsmeade, a great surprise from the receiver. The Owl Post is the best place to buy a various bit of stationery from real quills with ink, notebooks, and even your very own owl (a plush one of course). My favourite item in this shop were the notebooks made to look like the covers of various books from the movies like Tom Riddle’s diary, the ‘Advanced Potion Making‘ manuals from The Half-Blood Prince, the cover of the ‘History of Magic‘ and even ‘Tales of Beetle the Bard‘.

Gladrags Wizardwear

The last shop in this large complex is Gladrags Wizardwear. This clothing shop was visited by the trio multiple times in the book and was where they went to buy a present for Dobby since the shop “had the best selection of socks in Hogsmead”. The shop was founded in 1750 and is full of incredible items to both buy and admire. On the second level, you can see hundreds of ribbons, rolls of fabric, piles of buttons and more ready to be whipped up into a brand new set of dress robes.

In a glass case inside the shop, you’ll also be able to admire Hermione’s enchanting Yule Ball gown up close! Here you can buy your very own Hogwarts robe along with a variety of house pins, prefect badges and other jewellery and appeal.

Spintwitches and Tomes & Scrolls

Heading out of the front door of Gladrags, make a quick stop just to your right. Here you’ll find two more shop fronts to peek inside as they are not accessible to visit into. These are Spintwitches and Tomes and Scrolls. Spintwitches specializes in sporting goods and sells all sorts of Quidditch supplies and fan apparel. Tomes and Scrolls, as the name implies, is a specialist bookshop established in 1768! I loved peering into their windows to spot all the different ancient books and volumes piled up inside.

Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment

Turn yourself now to the opposite side of the street and head inside Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment. This was my favourite shop in Hogsmeade. Walking inside, the Prussian blue walls covered in gold embellishment sparkle and shine, dazzling the eye of the beholder. The shop is made to look like an ancient astronomers tower with astrological constellations painted on the ceiling. Everything from crystal balls, to telescopes, binoculars, armillary spheres, compasses, magnifying glasses and hourglasses are displayed inside the window cases.

I love the name of this shop since a “wiseacre” is a term for someone who claims to be knowledgeable about everything (but is not). One can definitely imagine that someone who buys all these sorts of props would be someone trying to put on airs to seem wiser than they really are. Wisescare’s is another great place to buy your house robes if Gladrags is too busy. 

Buying a Robe

I bought my robe here since I just loved the atmosphere inside this shop. You can try on the robes in front of their “ancient” mirrors. I really felt like I was getting ready for my first year at Hogwarts! The robes are not cheap but the quality is superb, much better than any of those I’ve worn from costume shops.

I had had my heart set on buying a robe and the experience didn’t disappoint. Not only did it keep me warm (since it was such a cold and rainy day) but it also did indeed make me feel more apart of the world. And whether you buy a robe here or bring one from home, dressing the part adds to your overall experience! You could even just wear some Harry Potter coloured or themed clothing to make your outfit feel more in line with the wizarding world! I highly recommend it.

Scrivenshaft’s Quill Shop

Since we’ve already been inside Ollivanders, take a moment to study its windows display from the street. The inaccessible door between the two shop windows with the sign above the door is a wonderful photo opportunity! Scrivenshaft’s Quill Shop is located right beside Ollivanders and Wiseacre’s. Although the shop window says “back soon” this is another shop that cannot be entered and is just viewable from outside. Scrivenshaft’s is visited by Hermione Granger on at least one occasion when she wants to purchase a new quill. The word ‘Scriven‘ is a play on the Welsh word ‘ysgrifenu‘, which means ‘writing‘.

Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop

The last two storefronts to look into but not enter are Madam Puddifoot’s and Dogweed and Deathcap. Madam Puddifoot’s is located right beside the line into the Ollivander experience. This shop window is definitely one of the most delicious looking displays. It’s honestly a little heartbreaking since you can’t actually eat any of those delicious cakes in the window. The tea shop is described as being “a cramped, steamy little place where everything seemed to have been decorated with frills or bows.” In the Harry Potter books, this was where couples would gather in Hogsmeade over the weekends to have a romantic date. 

Public Conveniences (Bathrooms)

Even if you don’t need to use the “loo” (the British slang term for Bathroom) take a visit to the washrooms. Take a seat and see if you can hear something strange echoing throughout the room. Throughout the washrooms, you can hear the sound of Moaning Myrtle and hear her aggressively rattling the pipes. A small touch but one that brought a smile to my face.

Dogweed and Deathcap

Dogweed and Deathcap is a storefront in Hogsmeade which you can peer into. It is known to sell exotic plants and flowers and presumably the Death-Caps. The windows are piled high with various plants, both known and unknown, which bloom and whose vines crawl up the walls and windows.

Butterbeer Cart

Outside of Honeydukes is one of the iconic bright red, Butterbeer carts. If you haven’t’ tried butterbeer yet be sure you do before you leave. It’s easily one of the most memorable items from Harry Potter’s first visit to Hogsmeade and it would be a shame not to try the brew for yourself. Even if you don’t want to sample the drink, any of these carts are a great place for a photo opportunity!


Honeydukes is visually one of the most amazing shops in Hogsmeade. Just walking in the door you are overcome with the smell and the scenery all around you. There is just something about mint green and pastel pink that makes you smile! One of my favourite quotes from the books about Honeydukes describes it perfectly, “…there were shelves upon shelves of the most succulent-looking sweets imaginable. Creamy chunks of nougat, shimmering pink squares of coconut ice, fat, honey-coloured toffees; hundreds of different kinds of chocolate in neat rows; there was a large barrel of Every Flavour Beans and another of Fizzing Whizzbees.”

Honeydukes was first established in 1641 and owned by Ambrosius Flume and his wife. Throughout the shelves you’ll find many of those iconic sweets from the book. Each one lovingly recreated here! The two most famous treats are Chocolate Frogs and Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans.

I picked up so many different items from the shop. Not only do they look delicious but the packaging of each of the treats is just as collectable as the treats themselves.

Be sure to visit the hidden back alley behind Honeydukes as it features one of the most beautiful window displays. In the front window, you’ll be able to see a collection of the various chocolate frogs and wizarding cards hidden within them.

Zonko’s Joke Shop

At the back of Honeydukes, you’ll also be able to visit Zonkos Joke Shop. Zonkos is one of Fred and George’s favourite places in Hogsmeade. It sells everything a wizard needs to play pranks and make people laugh. In the books it was known to carry such things as; Dungbombs, Hiccough Sweets, Stink Pellets, Frog Spawn Soap, Sugar Quills, and Nose-Biting Teacups. In the Wizarding World, you can still buy some really interesting items in the shop which have the most wonderful and playful packaging.

You can find Extendable Ears, Screaming Yo-yos, Pygmy Puffs and more. They also sell some “joke” candy-like Shock-o-choc, Exploding Bon-bons, and U-No-Poo. Most of this candy is pretty delicious but the hilarious boxes will make anyone smile so I think these make the best gifts! 

One of the most iconic things to be found here are the pygmy puffs. These were bred by Fred and Geroge Weasley and are usually sold at their shop in Diagon Alley. But thankfully, they have exported them to Zonkos as well. They are adorable round balls of fur which come in shades of bright pink and purple. They are some of the most popular gifts for children. Be sure to see the outside window of Zonkos where they have a mannequin hilariously puking up “puking pasties” up into a cauldron.

Guide to Casting Spells

If you’ve purchased an interactive wand, the best time to walk around with your map to cast spells is in the afternoon. Around this time most people are lined up for rides or inside eating. The map you’re given with your wand will be able to guide you to all of the locations in the Wizarding World but there are also some secret ones to find for yourself. Ask any of the wizarding staff around the park for help if you find you can’t cast a spell. They are always happy to help you with your technique. This was one of the best parts since it felt like you were having your very own personal lesson! Once you’ve performed the proper wand movement watch closely as things inside shop windows will move, water will pour and you might even see an explosion of fire!


Throughout the day there are two different shows you can see on the stage, located just to the right up past Wiseacre’s, near the castle. The two performances you can see are the Triwizard Spirit Rally and the Frog Choir (my personal favourite). The Triwizard rally features different performers from the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang schools who each perform acrobatics on a stage, competing against each other. After the show, you can hang around and ask for a photo with the various characters.

The Frog Choir is something that the movies came up with but lasts in the minds of fans to this day. Seeing it in person was so special. Each of the Hogwarts students possesses their own singing frog and they all sing wizarding tunes for the gathered audience. There is something just so charming about those singing frogs…

There is so much more to see at Universal Studios Hollywood outside of the Wizarding World. If you’re a Harry Potter fan like me you’ll want a good solid portion of your day to explore the Wizarding World. A two-day park pass is a great option if you have the time since it will allow you more time to explore all the rest there is to see after you’ve fully immersed yourself in Hogsmeade.

I waited for way too long to come to the Wizarding World and am already planning my next trip to Orlando to see Diagon Alley ASAP! Let me know what you’re looking forward to seeing most at the Wizarding World or what stores you’d love to see open up if they ever do an expansion!

Happy Travels Adventurers!

The Creative Adventurer

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