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Category: Budapest


Anyone who hears the word “Budapest” will most likely immediately think of their iconic Parliament Building. The Hungarian Parliament Building is one of the most recognisable images of Hungary and a symbol of the country’s talented artists who helped achieve this vision of architectural magnificence. Standing on the banks of the Danube, it flanks the city and greets visitors floating down the river with its bright white columns and staggering silhouette.


Visiting one of Budapest’s thermal baths is a right of passage for anyone’s first time in this historic city. Budapest’s thermal baths are as crucial to the culture and the city as anything else you’ll see and do. Although the concept might seem strange to foreigners, once you get over the first time jitters, you’re bound to find the experience something you’ll want to do over and over again.


The Great Market Hall or “Nagyvásárcsarnok” is the largest and oldest indoor market in Budapest. Despite the dozens and dozens of tourists with their cameras out, this place is a favourite with locals and the best place to come to get fresh produce, Hungarian specialities, a quick meal or a sweet treat.

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While on our honeymoon, we tried to book a special dinner in each destination throughout our European adventure. For the most part, we’re not the fanciest of diners. We love a great meal, but for us, that great meal doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Some of the best food I’ve ever had has been on the side of the road or off the back of a truck. But since it was our honeymoon, and we’d been gifted some money for a ‘Dinner by the Danube’ we went all out, and I booked us a table at Halaszbastya Restaurant.