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Many people underestimate how much there is to do while visiting Arashiyama. We were lucky enough to book off an entire day here to explore, but I think if we could have done it all over again, we would have booked a hotel to extend our time there ever more. One of the attractions that often gets overlooked is the Iwatayama Monkey Park. Many people are dissuaded when they see it’s a 30-minute + hike, uphill, to where you’ll see the monkeys. They either can’t spare the time or can’t spare the energy. But let me tell you right now – it’s worth it…well worth it.


I was lucky enough to spend the better part of a year, in the warm embrace of Syndey’s clear water beaches, sunny palms trees and boisterous people. While you might not have a whole year to spend in Sydney, there is plenty you can fit in, in even the most hurried itinerary. Here are the best things to do in this harbourside city for any and all interests!