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Tag: Dresden Cathedral

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Dresden was so heavily bombed during WWII that almost nothing remained of the baroque city. Huge restoration projects took shape after the war was over and now visitors can walk through the city without ever knowing that only 60 years ago, it was all but rubble. On this guided tour we take you to all the most popular sites in Dresden’s Historic Old Town.

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This building was always critical to the Catholic people of Dresden. After Augustus the II converted to the Protestant church, his son, seeing that the large Catholic population of his country needed a place of prayer, commission the construction of this church in 1738. Although like the rest of Dresden, the building was almost destroyed in WWII, the valuables such as the organ and altar pieces were saved and reintroduced into the restored church to bring together the original and restored church. The new church is built to the specs of the original using photography and first-hand experience to get all the details just right.