Tag: First time Travel


Having just returned from my trip to Lisbon, I wanted to put pen to paper right away to share all the things I learned when travelling to Portugal for the first time! Lisbon is just as wonderful as you hear it is, the streets are as vibrant as the personalities, and it’s a tremendously laid back and yet bustling city all at the same time. I was so busy leading up to this trip, so I felt more unprepared than usual and as such made a few blunders which I felt like needed to be shared for other, just as unknowing travellers, to learn from.


Travelling to Japan as a first timer is a daunting experience. Going to a city where they don’t use the Roman alphabet, let alone speak the language, is just one more hurdle which can make those first few hours in the city all that more confusing and intimidating. But trust me, Japan is one of the most incredible cities in the world and the kind people you’ll find there are always more than happy to help you out with any pickle you might find yourself in. That being said, after many “first times” in Japan, I’ve plotted my top tips to ensure your first few hours there go as smoothly as possible, and you’ve set yourself up for success for the rest of your trip to Japan!

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