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Tag: Green Vault


Dresden I think is one of the most underrated cities in Europe. I went for the history but fell in love with the city is every way and was shocked by how wonderful this place was. Dresden was nicknamed the “Florence of the North” and stood as the first spot of power in Germany for decades. Dresden drew architects from all over the world who threw their artistry into the walls of the city. But such power came with a cost and in WWII Dresden was bombed almost beyond recognition. After the fall of the wall in the 1980s, an enormous restoration effort was put into place to rebuild the city. Today we can visit an almost perfect recreation of Dresden as it was in the 18th century. While some people find this to be a bit like a living museum, that’s exactly what I like about it! Here are some of my favourite photo locations which Instagram savvy travellers must visit on their next trip to Dresden! There is a google map at the bottom of this post you can use to find each and every location mentioned on the list.


The first place I wanted to visit in Dresden was the fabled “Green Vault”.  The Green Vault or *Grünes Gewölbe* is Europe’s largest collection of precious, historical treasures. It was the first public museum in all of Europe featuring a collection of crown jewels, royal bowls carved out of crystal, agate and ivory, golden figurines with multicoloured gems inlaid within and the ‘Dresden Green’ – the largest green diamond in the world. When walking up to the Green Vault, I suppose you expect to see a big green building but in fact, the gallery got its name a different way. During it’s original construction, the columns and bases which held up the vaulted ceiling were all painted green – giving the entire place an Emerald city like vibe.