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Tag: House Tour


If you’re anything like me, your house is one of the best little peaks into your personality. In each and every corner of my house, I have curated little galleries dedicated to the things which inspired me, which tell stories of my past and keyholes in my future. A home is the most private place in a person’s world, a place where they can feel whole and safe. For Frida Kahlo, this could not be truer. Her home, La Casa Azul or “the blue house”, was the place where she was born, grew up, learned to be an artist, lived with her husband, got divorced and remarried, and where she eventually died. It was her sanctuary but also her cage since for most of her life she was bedridden from injury and sickness. She spent more years of her life inside these cerulean walls than perhaps anywhere else in the world and as such, it is one of the most intimate looks into her life you can experience.