After walking around the Imperial Palace Gardens all morning, we were due for a bit of rest before facing the rest of the day. Half way towards our next destination we decided to take a rest in the next large park we came across. This turned out to be Hibiya Park.

Hibiya Park is a 16-hectare public park that was built in the late 19th century as Japan’s first Western-style park. In addition to the standard park features such as trees, playgrounds and benches, western sports facilities, like tennis courts were built alongside western flower gardens and rose bushes. We saw down on a large hill looking over a large portion of the park. In front of the benches, we sat on was a humongous bell. This was donated by the US in 1952 and is crowned with a Liberty Bell.

After a short rest, we continued throughout the park and made our way down to the large fountain in front of an outdoor concert hall. We sat there watching children dip their toes in the cold fountain water and couples walking hand in hand around the dreamy landscape.

Across from the fountain where some of the parks largest rose gardens. Nothing was blooming while we were there, but the park does hold one of the best public collections of flora and fauna in the city. They even are known to have Kingfishers, rare ultramarine sparrow-like birds, perch on the bushes surrounding the park.

Throughout the park, there were dozens of small drink and food carts selling all sorts of different treats. Since it was so hot out we both treated ourselves to soda and some odd flavoured popcorn.

The popcorn we picked out was lemon tea flavoured and despite being such an odd combo for popcorn was surprisingly delicious.

Despite the park being dubbed as a “western style” park one had to admire how beautiful the Japanese architecture even something so simple as the washrooms were.

Drinks in had and complete with snacks, we sat and listened to a little musical group practice their routine, no doubt for an evening show later that day.

Throughout the park there are also other smaller fountains and sculptures which are worth checking out. They pop up all over the place and even without plaques or information they are a treasure to spot as you walk about.

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