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Tag: Coffee


Launceston is untouched by mega-tourism and has a unique landscape only found in this part of the country. It’s a combination of New Zealand’s rich scenery and Australia’s vibrant culture. If you’re a tourist who wants to get off the beaten track and get a little peace and quiet, then Launceston is the place for you.


During the winter months, so many of us pine for the hot sun and relief of blistering wind chill. So it’s rare that we would seek out a winter vacation anywhere that doesn’t involve sunlight and warm weather. But, for the first time in my life, I decided to opt to travel to the cold and darkened streets of wintery Scandinavia over the holidays. And if that doesn’t sound appealing to you, I implore you to read on! I was utterly mesmerized by winter in Scandinavia and found it to be absolutely magical. 


Paris is one of those cities which seems more infamous than famous. People either love it or HATE it. But even those who love it, find certain aspects of this incredibly popular city a little frustrating. But I have a secret to share? And that secret is called ‘wintertime’. Being a tourist in Paris in the winter is honestly one of the most underrated experiences. The typical vision of a visit Paris might include having a picnic on the green grass in front of the Eiffel Tower. And sure you can do that, but you’d be one in a million others doing the exact same thing. Fighting for space, and lost is a sea of Instagram filters. Visiting Paris in the winter is like unlocking a key to the city. Suddenly everything opens up, seemingly just for you. It’s my favourite time to visit, and let me tell you why!


Having just returned from my trip to Lisbon, I wanted to put pen to paper right away to share all the things I learned when travelling to Portugal for the first time! Lisbon is just as wonderful as you hear it is, the streets are as vibrant as the personalities, and it’s a tremendously laid back and yet bustling city all at the same time. I was so busy leading up to this trip, so I felt more unprepared than usual and as such made a few blunders which I felt like needed to be shared for other, just as unknowing travellers, to learn from.


Shopping in Mexico City was one of my favourite activities when I visited this city! I found so many incredible things; textiles, interior decor items, sugar skulls, vintage clothing and more! I loved bartering in the markets and scouring the antique stores for lost treasures. Souvenir shopping in Mexico City is so affordable that you’ll want to get something for everyone so I’ve complied a list of my ‘must-buy’ and places places to shop for your friends and family, and most of all – for yourself!


This beautiful, art nouveau building is one of Prague’s most beloved buildings. It was once the seat of the old Royal Court Palace but has since been transformed into what is known today as the Municipal House or Obecní dům. In 1485, the old Royal Court was abandoned with the dissolution of Bohemia, and it wasn’t until 1920 when the now Municipal House was built. 

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I think in retrospect we should have spent more time researching. But I will say, that this cafe, unlike many many other, ensures that the light inside is very dark, as the animal are nocturnal and sleep during the day. This cafe also didn’t allow you to pet all the owls, and some were only for observation.