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Tag: Hotels


One of the best things to indulge in during the Halloween season is to make a little trip out to one of the many ghosts towns that are spread out across America. Jerome is the perfect, small ghost town to visit on any road trip through Arizona or even as a day trip from Phoenix, Prescott or Tucson. Even outside the Halloween season this town is full of spooks and scares but there’s just something about it in October that feels all the more macabre. Whether you’re staying overnight or just driving through, this spooky guide will help you take in all the haunted sights, sounds and scary delights that this old mining village has to offer!


Travelling to Japan as a first timer is a daunting experience. Going to a city where they don’t use the Roman alphabet, let alone speak the language, is just one more hurdle which can make those first few hours in the city all that more confusing and intimidating. But trust me, Japan is one of the most incredible cities in the world and the kind people you’ll find there are always more than happy to help you out with any pickle you might find yourself in. That being said, after many “first times” in Japan, I’ve plotted my top tips to ensure your first few hours there go as smoothly as possible, and you’ve set yourself up for success for the rest of your trip to Japan!

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Over the years, I stopped trying to see all the “top attractions” and instead started to explore smaller areas of the city. I stayed in one spot and dug in deep there. I stopped paying attention to the things that bothered me and instead focused on the beauty of what was around me. While I’m never a fan of avoiding certain touristy things just because they “popular”, there are definitely some things over-hyped parts of town. I’ve learned from exploring New York so many times what’s worth avoiding and what’s worth your attention, time and money.

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Barcelona Europe Hotels Spain

Feeling at Home in Barcelona


Anytime I’m travelling and staying somewhere for an extended period; I always try to stay in an Airbnb. There is something, not just about the way they feel, but where they are usually located. Airbnb’s, compared to hotels, are usually located outside of the tourist hub. Local neighbourhoods where you can suddenly feel at home. Instead of turning every corner and being faced with camera frenzied, travellers and “American” bars.

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During our first visit to Barcelona, we stayed in the up and coming, trendy neighbourhood of ‘El Poble-sec’. We picked a colourful and quirky Airbnb for our lodgings. We hoofed our way up the six floors, barely managing our clunky bags up the narrow 19th-century staircase.