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Tag: Spa


Visiting one of Budapest’s thermal baths is a right of passage for anyone’s first time in this historic city. Budapest’s thermal baths are as crucial to the culture and the city as anything else you’ll see and do. Although the concept might seem strange to foreigners, once you get over the first time jitters, you’re bound to find the experience something you’ll want to do over and over again.


While staying in Kyoto, I wanted to find a traditional Japanese Ryokan where we could relax and unwind after a busy week in Tokyo. A ryokan is a traditional Japanese inn that originated from the Edo period when inns were a home for weary travellers. Ryokans were once a fairly inexpensive option, but in recent years some Ryokans have become quite the luxury. So finding one with charm at an affordable price, that was also still available, was somewhat of a challenge. But then I came across Ryokan Shimizu.