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Downtown Las Vegas is the historic centre of Las Vegas, where the entire idea of “Las Vegas” was born. And yet, this part of town is oft forgotten in place of the glitz and glamour of it’s southern, younger more popular sister. But in recent years Downtown Las Vegas has seen a boom of popularity, and people are more and more choosing to venture up to DTLV (as it is now conveniently called) to seek out the origins of the city and the alternative scene found out there.


When I first visited Washington D.C. I thought it would be nothing more than plain white political powerhouses and generic American architecture. Boy was I wrong! I was shocked to see what a beautiful city this was. The central sightseeing portion of this city is extremely walkable so its easy to just wander around from place to place taking snapshots of the bright, bold and brilliant art and architecture which makes Washington such an incredible place to visit.

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Over the years, I stopped trying to see all the “top attractions” and instead started to explore smaller areas of the city. I stayed in one spot and dug in deep there. I stopped paying attention to the things that bothered me and instead focused on the beauty of what was around me. While I’m never a fan of avoiding certain touristy things just because they “popular”, there are definitely some things over-hyped parts of town. I’ve learned from exploring New York so many times what’s worth avoiding and what’s worth your attention, time and money.


Every time I visit the Valley of the Sun I am consistently amazed by the enticing restaurants popping up all over the city. For anyone spending a few hours, a few days or even an extended vacation, here are some of my favourite joints to visit while enjoying the sunshine, desert views and Sonoran hospitality.