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Tag: Winter


During the winter months, so many of us pine for the hot sun and relief of blistering wind chill. So it’s rare that we would seek out a winter vacation anywhere that doesn’t involve sunlight and warm weather. But, for the first time in my life, I decided to opt to travel to the cold and darkened streets of wintery Scandinavia over the holidays. And if that doesn’t sound appealing to you, I implore you to read on! I was utterly mesmerized by winter in Scandinavia and found it to be absolutely magical. 


Paris is one of those cities which seems more infamous than famous. People either love it or HATE it. But even those who love it, find certain aspects of this incredibly popular city a little frustrating. But I have a secret to share? And that secret is called ‘wintertime’. Being a tourist in Paris in the winter is honestly one of the most underrated experiences. The typical vision of a visit Paris might include having a picnic on the green grass in front of the Eiffel Tower. And sure you can do that, but you’d be one in a million others doing the exact same thing. Fighting for space, and lost is a sea of Instagram filters. Visiting Paris in the winter is like unlocking a key to the city. Suddenly everything opens up, seemingly just for you. It’s my favourite time to visit, and let me tell you why!

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Visiting Tokyo in the wintertime is one of Japan’s best-kept secrets. So many people avoid travelling in the winter due to the cold but if you layer on those coats and scarves, you’ll be treated to a Japan which is sometimes only seen by locals and those few tourists who make the effort to brave the elements. Winters in Tokyo are meant for soaking in hot springs, visiting Mount Fuji on a clear day and best of all, eating delicious winter food! Dining in Tokyo can be had for as little as under $20 or as much as over $100. I’ve been sure to include various price points in this list so whether you’re looking for a cheap lunch or a luxurious dinner there is something for everyone!


In my constant search for all things related to travelling in Japan,  I discovered that unlike the traditional four seasons which the western world uses to divide their calendar, Japan celebrates 72 different “micro-seasons”. These micro-seasons each are given a wonderfully descriptive name which paints a perfect picture of those little moments throughout the year.