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Tag: Eating


Known as the Venice of the North, Bruges is a medieval paradise replete with sweeping canals, quaint cobblestones alleyways, unique Gothic architecture and an utterly enchanting atmosphere. Bruges is truly one of my favourite cities to visit. It feels like you could walk endless along the streets and continuously find new discoveries. It’s a fairy-tale like village and I think far too many people just breeze through it on a day-trip from Brussels. I think to truly experience the city at it’s best you need to spend the night and dedicate a good 48 hours to explore every nook and cranny of the city.


If you’re trying to pick a city to visit based on the food alone, Barcelona is no doubt on the top of that list! Catalonian cuisine combines the very best elements of Spanish and French cooking with that uniquely Catalan flare that is unmatched anywhere else in the world. Knowing which items you NEED to eat when you’re there will help you weed out the authentic recipes from the tourist traps.


Downtown Las Vegas is the historic centre of Las Vegas, where the entire idea of “Las Vegas” was born. And yet, this part of town is oft forgotten in place of the glitz and glamour of it’s southern, younger more popular sister. But in recent years Downtown Las Vegas has seen a boom of popularity, and people are more and more choosing to venture up to DTLV (as it is now conveniently called) to seek out the origins of the city and the alternative scene found out there.


The Great Market Hall or “Nagyvásárcsarnok” is the largest and oldest indoor market in Budapest. Despite the dozens and dozens of tourists with their cameras out, this place is a favourite with locals and the best place to come to get fresh produce, Hungarian specialities, a quick meal or a sweet treat.

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Dresden Europe Food Germany

Exploring the Dresden Neumarkt


One of the best places to grab a bite to eat, enjoy people watching while being surrounded by one of the most beautiful views in Dresden, is at the Dresden Neumarkt. The Neumarkt is the cultural centre of the Dresden historical district. This area was mostly entirely destroyed in WWII during the same bombing runs that destroyed the Dresden Frauenkirche. After the war, during the communist era, the surrounding buildings were rebuilt in the socialist, realist style. This was not a favourite of the German people and after reunification these buildings were demolished and the reconstruction of the Neumarket to restore it to its original architectural style got underway.


Every time I visit the Valley of the Sun I am consistently amazed by the enticing restaurants popping up all over the city. For anyone spending a few hours, a few days or even an extended vacation, here are some of my favourite joints to visit while enjoying the sunshine, desert views and Sonoran hospitality.

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One of the strangest things about Japan is that you can spend an entire day inside a shopping mall and have the best time! If it’s raining and gloomy out or if the air hot and humid, there is always sanctuary inside giant shopping centres like Kyoto Yodobashi! Inside you’ll not only find interesting shops to explore, but you can also eat at some delectable restaurants, have a gourmet coffee and play like a kid in the arcades.