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If there one thing I like to do more than anything else it’s to explore locals marketplaces. Whether it’s a rural farmer’s market no bigger than a few tables of tomatoes or a giant European market hall, there is something so exciting about being surrounded by a myriad of colours, aromas and flavours local to that city.

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When it comes to taking long-haul flights in economy (which let’s face it, almost 99.9% of us fly economy), there is no real way to be completely at ease BUT there is plenty you can do to make it as enjoyable as possible. The number one tip I have is to be prepared long in advance. There’s nothing like stress to set off your trip on the wrong foot. I tend to pack a full few weeks in advance, and while I don’t recommend this necessarily, it is good to have all your ducks in a row a few days before your flight.


Japan is often thought of as an expensive city to visit. Tokyo is one of the world largest metropolis and while finding a cheap place to stay might not always be a walk in the park, you can easily save money on eating out while still eating like a king!

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Dresden was so heavily bombed during WWII that almost nothing remained of the baroque city. Huge restoration projects took shape after the war was over and now visitors can walk through the city without ever knowing that only 60 years ago, it was all but rubble. On this guided tour we take you to all the most popular sites in Dresden’s Historic Old Town.


The Zwinger is one of those historic buildings that is so seamlessly incorporated into the fabric of the city. Yes, it is also a very popular tourist destination, but the people who live and work here, don’t treat it with kid gloves. As if it’s something precious and should only be viewed from a distance. They luncheon here, bring their children to play and dash through the archways on their morning run.

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Guides Italy Venice

Exploring Venice by Night


Night time is one of the best time to get out and walk the streets of Venice. Many of the hoards of cruisers are back on their ships by the time the sun goes down and many other tourists who stay in the cheaper hotels on the mainland have also departed, leaving the streets almost empty.


Travelling to Australia, practically no matter where you live in the world tends to be a big trip. It’s fairly far away, and you want your time there to be well spent. While it’s pretty difficult to fit everything from such an enormous country into a two-week adventure if you plan well and keep to this guide you can fit in all the incredible experiences this country has to offer in just 14 days.


The first place I wanted to visit in Dresden was the fabled “Green Vault”.  The Green Vault or *Grünes Gewölbe* is Europe’s largest collection of precious, historical treasures. It was the first public museum in all of Europe featuring a collection of crown jewels, royal bowls carved out of crystal, agate and ivory, golden figurines with multicoloured gems inlaid within and the ‘Dresden Green’ – the largest green diamond in the world. When walking up to the Green Vault, I suppose you expect to see a big green building but in fact, the gallery got its name a different way. During it’s original construction, the columns and bases which held up the vaulted ceiling were all painted green – giving the entire place an Emerald city like vibe.

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Brühl’s Terrace, or Brühlsche Terrasse, also known as the “Balcony of Europe”. The area where the Terrace now stands is where the ancient old city ramparts were built in 1738. Once the Fort was no longer needed to protect the city from invaders, it was converted, by the King’s orders, into an outdoor garden and space for the citizens of the city.