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Category: Photography


Hiring a photographer is going to cost money; there is no way of getting around that. And in an age where everyone has a camera on their phone, there is sometimes this feeling of “should I really be spending my money on this when I can do it myself?”. And yes, yes, you should! For every reason, I mentioned above and all the ones I’m about to talk about. After booking my first travel photographer, I knew that this was going to be something I would invest in every time we went somewhere special. It was worth every penny and not only that, and it made for an incredible experience as well! Here is why YOU should book a travel photographer on your next trip!


Lisbon is one of the most picturesque cities in the world. Steeped with history and painted with one of the most colourful palettes, there pretty much isn’t a single street you can walk down, without being wowed at all the fantastic hues and views along the way. For photographers and bloggers, this place is a dream! The “miradoures” (viewpoints) which you can find all over the city seem to open Lisbon up like a pop-up book. The intricate tiled walls and buildings are like a patchwork quilt across the city. Make sure you have a few extra batteries with you because you’re never going to be able to stop snapping! Below is a list of my favourite places I found in Lisbon and at the bottom of this post I’ve made a google map of where you can find these spots for yourself!