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As much as we might feel young at heart forever, there are apparent differences between travelling in your 20s and travelling in your 30s. While many of these changes aren’t necessarily bad ones, if anything I’ve met travellers in the 60s who endlessly inspired and excite me, everyone grows old. And how your travelling experiences change are interesting to document and think about as you grow. I love learning from other travellers, especially those who are older than me. When I turned 30, it was a like a switch got flicked. Things took me longer, I was more tired and suddenly didn’t feel like I could do everything. Other travellers who went through a similar change were super helpful to me in setting clear new goals and changing my expectations. So I wanted to document this for myself here so others can learn from me and my experiences with travel as I got older.


Travelling to Japan as a first timer is a daunting experience. Going to a city where they don’t use the Roman alphabet, let alone speak the language, is just one more hurdle which can make those first few hours in the city all that more confusing and intimidating. But trust me, Japan is one of the most incredible cities in the world and the kind people you’ll find there are always more than happy to help you out with any pickle you might find yourself in. That being said, after many “first times” in Japan, I’ve plotted my top tips to ensure your first few hours there go as smoothly as possible, and you’ve set yourself up for success for the rest of your trip to Japan!


Visiting one of Budapest’s thermal baths is a right of passage for anyone’s first time in this historic city. Budapest’s thermal baths are as crucial to the culture and the city as anything else you’ll see and do. Although the concept might seem strange to foreigners, once you get over the first time jitters, you’re bound to find the experience something you’ll want to do over and over again.


If you’re trying to pick a city to visit based on the food alone, Barcelona is no doubt on the top of that list! Catalonian cuisine combines the very best elements of Spanish and French cooking with that uniquely Catalan flare that is unmatched anywhere else in the world. Knowing which items you NEED to eat when you’re there will help you weed out the authentic recipes from the tourist traps.


Downtown Las Vegas is the historic centre of Las Vegas, where the entire idea of “Las Vegas” was born. And yet, this part of town is oft forgotten in place of the glitz and glamour of it’s southern, younger more popular sister. But in recent years Downtown Las Vegas has seen a boom of popularity, and people are more and more choosing to venture up to DTLV (as it is now conveniently called) to seek out the origins of the city and the alternative scene found out there.


Ærø or ‘Aero’ is one of those destinations in Denmark that doesn’t get a lot of attention but is a hidden gem that any traveller who is anxious to find something a little bit different should try their best to visit. Ærø is a tiny island surrounded by the Danish Baltic Sea – only 30 km in length and 8 km wide. But it being so small makes it the perfect place for travellers to visit and explore either on foot or by bike.


Fraser Island is one of the magical places you can only find in Australia. It’s one of the most unique landscapes in the world and a must-see for any traveller visiting Australia. Located on the southeast coast of Queensland, stretching over 120km, you’ll discover towering rainforest trees hundreds of years old, deep pools of crystal clear water in the middle of a sandy dune stretching hundreds of yards, breathtaking wildlife and, if you’re lucky, you might even spot one of the island’s most camera-shy residents, the infamous dingo.


When visiting the famed area of Asakusa and the Sensoji shrine you’re bound to work up an appetite! Luckily, Nakamise Shopping Street and the side streets around it, have a plethora of amazing street foods to choose from. I decided to make a day of this the last time I visited. Come HUNGRY because there are so many different things you NEED to try! This one area offers up so many traditional Japanese street foods, each one costing only a dollar or so. You can easily spend under $15 for an entire 10-course meal! There are plenty of food tours of this area, but it’s so easy to do it yourself. While having a guide is a great way to ask questions and find out more from a local’s perspective about the area, doing it on your own means it’s up to you to find your way around and interact with the locals yourself.


When you think of visiting Japan, no doubt one of the first things you’ll imagine is walking into an ancient temple, painted bright vermillion, the smells of incense wafting the air. One of the most iconic of these temples is Sensoji in Asakusa, Tokyo. Perhaps the most visited temple in Tokyo, Sensoji is also the oldest temple in the city with over half millennia of stories to tell.

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About an hour from Tokyo lies the seaside town of Yokohama. It is the second largest city in Japan with a population of 3.7 million. Despite being such a big city it still keeps the small town feel that it once had when it was first established. Yokohama makes for an easy day-trip from Tokyo. It’s a scenic escape with a myriad of peaceful gardens and exciting activities.


On our last trip to Mexico, we were lucky enough to get a reservation at Pujol, in the Polanco neighbourhood of Mexico City. Pujol is one of the best restaurants in the world, as of 2019 it’s rated as #13 so getting a reservation at this place is a bit of a challenge but never give up! When we first booked our trip almost everything was booked for months and months but a few weeks before departure, one reservation at 6:30 for the Omakase tasting menu opened up and we grabbed it.


Shopping in Mexico City was one of my favourite activities when I visited this city! I found so many incredible things; textiles, interior decor items, sugar skulls, vintage clothing and more! I loved bartering in the markets and scouring the antique stores for lost treasures. Souvenir shopping in Mexico City is so affordable that you’ll want to get something for everyone so I’ve complied a list of my ‘must-buy’ and places places to shop for your friends and family, and most of all – for yourself!


Xochimilco is the Venice of Mexico. It’s an enormous network of canals which spread across this southern district of Mexico City. There are over 170 km of canals which spread out in all different directions. Before the Spanish arrived in Mexico City, the indigenous people of Mexico had created an incredible network of canals which they used as both a means of transport and as a way to ensure there was a constant supply of water throughout the country. Xochimilco means “Floating Gardens” and stands today as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as it preserves ancient Aztecs technology.


We just returned from our trip to Mexico City and let me just say upfront, this was one of my favourite places I’ve ever visited. The city wove a spell around me, unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. Mexico City is on the top of almost all the ‘Best Places to Visit in 2019’ lists and we wanted to get out there to see it for ourselves! There was SO much I learned after spending a week in Mexico’s capital and I wanted to share with you the most helpful tips I learned so you can plan your trip to visit this incredible place ASAP!