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Dresden was so heavily bombed during WWII that almost nothing remained of the baroque city. Huge restoration projects took shape after the war was over and now visitors can walk through the city without ever knowing that only 60 years ago, it was all but rubble. On this guided tour we take you to all the most popular sites in Dresden’s Historic Old Town.


Salzburg is not only a historical and picturesque, baroque utopia, but it was also the setting for the classic film The Sound of Music. Any place deemed charming enough to be the backdrop for such an extraordinary film is undoubtedly worth your time. Getting the chance to see the actual locations where this quintessential movie was made is a treat for cinema lovers as well as music aficionados. 


The first place I wanted to visit in Dresden was the fabled “Green Vault”.  The Green Vault or *Grünes Gewölbe* is Europe’s largest collection of precious, historical treasures. It was the first public museum in all of Europe featuring a collection of crown jewels, royal bowls carved out of crystal, agate and ivory, golden figurines with multicoloured gems inlaid within and the ‘Dresden Green’ – the largest green diamond in the world. When walking up to the Green Vault, I suppose you expect to see a big green building but in fact, the gallery got its name a different way. During it’s original construction, the columns and bases which held up the vaulted ceiling were all painted green – giving the entire place an Emerald city like vibe.


The bridge was constructed in 1357 under the watchful eye of King Charles IV. The old bridge which connected the two parts of the city, built in 1158, was more than due for some repairs. It was severely damaged in a flood in 1342 which lead to its demolition and the construction of the new Charles Bridge, named after the King. The reason this bridge was always so important was that it connected the castle past of town to the city’s old town.


Tokyo Tower is one of those attractions that feels like something you have to see while you’re in Tokyo. Kind of like the CN Tower in Toronto. But if anyone ever asked me if they should go up the CN Tower, I would roundly object and tell them a myriad of other things they could do instead. Despite being in all the guidebooks about Tokyo, after spending a week in this city and looking back, I think that the tower is something you could probably do with skipping. That being said, we did enjoy ourselves, and when a city this big feels overwhelming, it’s an easy option to choose which gives you a unique way of looking seeing the entire city all at once.