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One of the most iconic images of Japan has to be the bright, vermillion coloured torii gates of Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto. Many people come to Fushimi Inari Taisha not knowing the scope of it. They see the images online and think it’s just a few small alleyways – this is far from the whole picture. The main shrine sits at the base of the Inari mountains, but a path of thousands of torii gates behind the building leads visitors up 233 meters above sea level to visit 4 kilometres of sub-shrines finally ending at the magnificent mountain top shrine.


Many people underestimate how much there is to do while visiting Arashiyama. We were lucky enough to book off an entire day here to explore, but I think if we could have done it all over again, we would have booked a hotel to extend our time there ever more. One of the attractions that often gets overlooked is the Iwatayama Monkey Park. Many people are dissuaded when they see it’s a 30-minute + hike, uphill, to where you’ll see the monkeys. They either can’t spare the time or can’t spare the energy. But let me tell you right now – it’s worth it…well worth it.


The Philosopher’s Path (or Tetsugaku-no-Michi as it is known in Japan) is one of the greatest exploratory walks you can experience in Kyoto. The Path is located in the northern area of Higashiyama at the base of Kyoto’s East Mountain. It is a place to wander, to find yourself, to embrace peace and quiet and to see what makes Kyoto so unique as a city. The path follows the Lake Biwa Canal for around 29 kilometres at the base of the mountain. The trail is lined with cherry trees on either side. During the cherry blossom season, this is one of the most popular spots to come and view the spectacle.


If you’re looking for a peaceful day trip from Tokyo, Enoshima is the ticket. This tiny little island off the coast is one of the most serene and beautiful places I had the chance to visit on my last trip to Japan. It was so perfect and quaint it felt like a cartoon seaside village from a Miyazaki film. Hiking up and down the island you’ll be able to see stunning shrines, perfectly manicured parks, a secret garden, and if you’re VERY VERY lucky, a wonderful view of Mount Fuji. Mount Fuji is known as the shy mountain so don’t expect to see anything but feel lucky if you do. The island itself is inaccessible to vehicles, making it an incredibly quiet location, and walking up the hills, sometimes the only sounds which can be heard the birds and wind through the trees.


If you’re looking for the busiest, liveliest, brightest, craziest area to stay while visiting Tokyo, there is no other option for you other than Shinjuku. Shinjuku is home to the world’s biggest railways station, where more than two million passengers flow through their hallways each day. Just a taste of the immensity of this mini-city.

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Visiting Tokyo in the wintertime is one of Japan’s best-kept secrets. So many people avoid travelling in the winter due to the cold but if you layer on those coats and scarves, you’ll be treated to a Japan which is sometimes only seen by locals and those few tourists who make the effort to brave the elements. Winters in Tokyo are meant for soaking in hot springs, visiting Mount Fuji on a clear day and best of all, eating delicious winter food! Dining in Tokyo can be had for as little as under $20 or as much as over $100. I’ve been sure to include various price points in this list so whether you’re looking for a cheap lunch or a luxurious dinner there is something for everyone!


Osaka is one of the most vibrant cities in Japan, and while it’s also one of the largest, exploring key parts of this historic town can easily be accomplished in one single day. While spending more time here is always recommended to get to know the inner workings and subtleties of the city, if you’re just stopping over you can easily fill your day with exciting things to do and amazing places to eat.


Tokyo Disney is one of the most amazing amusement parks in the world but what they really excel at is creating incredible merchandise to commemorate your time in the park or wear throughout the park to show off your passions! Japanese fans love their merchandise! You’ll see girls wearing backpacks COVERED in little Duffy keychains, so many the backpack simply disappears. Everyone who is anyone in the park will be wearing some sort of Disney gear and trust me, upon seeing everything that’s on offer here you’ll find it impossible not to buy it all. But here is my list of the BEST items to both buy while you’re in the park and bring home for your fellow Disney loving friends and family.


Tokyo DisneySea is, without a doubt, the very best of all the Disney Parks around the world. Sorry, Paris, California and Shanghai, this place just got ya beat! Maybe it’s the imaginative themeing, the “stepping into another world” charm, the kindness of the employees or the respectfulness of the crowds. Whatever it is, this place truly is magic. 


There is so much to see and do in Tokyo, and unless you’re armed with a month or two to explore it, chances are you might have to be more careful with how you spend your time to ensure you see and do everything on your bucket list! While Tokyo is devoid of “scams” which plague some other cities in Asia, there are some overrated attractions which aren’t worth your time or money. Hopefully, this list will help you make the most of this magical city!


Japan is often thought of as an expensive city to visit. Tokyo is one of the world largest metropolis and while finding a cheap place to stay might not always be a walk in the park, you can easily save money on eating out while still eating like a king!