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Tag: Art Gallery


Launceston is untouched by mega-tourism and has a unique landscape only found in this part of the country. It’s a combination of New Zealand’s rich scenery and Australia’s vibrant culture. If you’re a tourist who wants to get off the beaten track and get a little peace and quiet, then Launceston is the place for you.


During the winter months, so many of us pine for the hot sun and relief of blistering wind chill. So it’s rare that we would seek out a winter vacation anywhere that doesn’t involve sunlight and warm weather. But, for the first time in my life, I decided to opt to travel to the cold and darkened streets of wintery Scandinavia over the holidays. And if that doesn’t sound appealing to you, I implore you to read on! I was utterly mesmerized by winter in Scandinavia and found it to be absolutely magical. 


Frida Kahlo is Mexico City. Not only did she live there, grow up there and die there, but she also embodied everything I have come to love from this vibrant city. One of the greatest ways of exploring a city, especially if it’s your second visit, is to explore it through the eyes of someone you admire. It’s like being able to step back in time or imagine yourself as that very person you might be so curious to learn about. Even the smallest detail (or street corner) sometimes can reveal so much.


Dresden I think is one of the most underrated cities in Europe. I went for the history but fell in love with the city is every way and was shocked by how wonderful this place was. Dresden was nicknamed the “Florence of the North” and stood as the first spot of power in Germany for decades. Dresden drew architects from all over the world who threw their artistry into the walls of the city. But such power came with a cost and in WWII Dresden was bombed almost beyond recognition. After the fall of the wall in the 1980s, an enormous restoration effort was put into place to rebuild the city. Today we can visit an almost perfect recreation of Dresden as it was in the 18th century. While some people find this to be a bit like a living museum, that’s exactly what I like about it! Here are some of my favourite photo locations which Instagram savvy travellers must visit on their next trip to Dresden! There is a google map at the bottom of this post you can use to find each and every location mentioned on the list.


The Byzantine Galleries focus on designers who were influenced by Sacred Spaces; the interior of Cathedrals and churches, and who brought elements from those spaces into the garments. The dresses are paired with fragments of floor mosaics from the 5th century as well as pieces of Byzantine jewellery and silverware. The mannequins each stand high aloft of tall plinths. The dresses are still clearly visible and yet are somewhat separated from the historical art along the walls.